The legendary live band, late night party is back for a spandex-clad showdown between the greatest smash hits of the 80s and the biggest hairbrush anthems of the 90s.
Are you team TOTO or TLC? BON JOVI or BRITNEY? A-HA or AEROSMITH? Dress up as your decade, bring the sing and fight for your right to party!
MASSAOKE Oz is a dazzling, high energy live music experience with mash-ups, megamixes and more - supercharged with videos, giant singalong lyrics, rock star poses, face-melting guitar solos and YOU - the real stars of the show.
★★★★★ 'Best night ever!' What's On Adelaide
'Electrifying' Time Out London
Suitability Rated: R18+
Presented by: Hey Dowling & Massaoke